In fact, there are times, primarily any time of day associated with a meal, when you need to be extra careful or you might get mowed down by a fleet of grannies on Rascals.
I don't fault anyone for wanting to be as mobile as possible despite a setback, but I do think that perhaps a driving or safety course should be a prerequisite for going out on the open road, or in this case, the open casino.
Even more astonishing than the number of folks on scooters was the fact that all the scooters seemed to look alike, as though the Rascal vendor had a monopoly. But an accidental discovery revealed the answer to the puzzle: deep within the bowels of the Beau is a secret fleet of scooters, oxygen tanks, and wheelchairs.
This represents a standard of customer service that Congress and the airlines would do well to emulate. THIS level of planning is how you make sure your customers are pampered. If having a scooter is the only obstacle to your enjoying an evening of tossing change into a slot machine, then you can bet the casinos will be sure to have a fleet of them at the ready. You can even call ahead and request one.
Not me, though. Because the perfect evening after a day of hard work in Pascagoula wasn't gambling or sightseeing or even dining out. It was soaking in a hot tub. You can take those scooters almost anywhere, but not the bath.
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